African Forum For Agricultural Advisory Services

African Forum For Agricultural Advisory Services

Country: Uganda
Type of organisation: Non-profit foundation
Role in the project: AFAAS will co-lead dissemination and exploitation activities with FBCD, as well as activities related to context and needs analysis for Uganda, and facilitating the mapping of funding and financing options in Uganda

The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) is a continental organisation for Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (AEAS) in Africa. It brings agricultural AEAS stakeholders under one umbrella - both public and private actors who have a stake in AEAS along the agricultural value chain - not just the providers of AEAS. Its objective is to create efficient, effective, and synergistic linkages and partnerships among extension stakeholders of member countries to improve the delivery of AEAS to farmers and other value chain actors. AFAAS is actively present in over 28 countries in Africa, and is well positioned to facilitate collective actions, knowledge and innovation sharing, capacity strengthening and advocacy to support innovation among AEAS and farmers.