The BIO4Africa video gallery

The green biorefinery in Uganda – Wim van Doorn, project lead, GRASSA

Sustainable business models for bio-based technology - Morris Egesa, project coordinator, AFAAS

Women and the green biorefinery – Medius Bihunirwa, head of food security and agrobusiness, KRC

Demonstration of pelletisation, RAGT Energie

From waste to biochar by pyrolysis – Patrick Rousset, senior researcher, CIRAD

Pilot production of raw biomass pellets – The National Polytechnic Institute Félix Houphouet-Boigny (INP-HB)

The Brazilian kiln in Côte d'Ivoire – Túlio Jardim Raad, consultant engineer, Nascente Engenharia, Brazil

Training and mentoring to accelerate business – George Marechera, head of agribusiness development, AATF 

Circular feed for Ugandan smallholder farmers – Mohammed Shariff, executive director, KRC

Hydrochar technology in Senegal – Professor Lat Grand Ndiaye, Assane Seck University of Ziguinchor

Growing business in rural Africa – Belarmino Rodríguez, CEO, BPE Barcelona Plataforma Empresarial

Biocomposites from agricultural waste – Souha Mansour, PhD student, CIRAD

Bio-based technology life cycle assessments – Christina Tsouti, circular economy associate, DRAXIS

Pelletising trials with raw biomass – Benjamin Rabdeau, biomass and energy design engineer, RAGT Energie

Business development programme participant: Kapatchiva cocoa cooperative, Côte d'Ivoire - Kouassi Kouassi, survey council president

Biochar briquettes for Fort Portal, Uganda – Mohammed Shariff, executive director, KRC